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The Mirror

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Something evil lurks inside Lily’s bedroom mirror.

Beth just moved to a small town with her baby daughter, Lily. She figures a fresh start would do them both some good after losing her husband in a tragic accident. Their new home is a real charm, and their new neighbors are no different.

Everything is looking up until Eva, Beth’s old next-door neighbor, warns her of strange, haunting noises from her house in the middle of the night.

That’s when the horrors start in Beth’s new home. From a bleeding teddy bear to strange palm prints in Lily’s bedroom mirror. Beth ignores them all, chalking it up to the fatigues of moving and settling to a new place.

Things take a turn for the worse when a specter drags Lily into her bedroom mirror. Beth can’t bear losing her only daughter. She would turn the world inside out to find her.

But will it be enough?


Amazon Reviews

This was a horrifying book. It scared me right off the bat. It did keep you guessing right until the end.


Reaches out with its first paragraph, and effortlessly pulls you into a world of horrifying greatness


This story took me by surprise because I didn’t expect a haunted house story to be so gripping and mysterious.
