The Chase

The darkness swallows my existence as I stumble upon another propping root. Sharp, finger-like twigs rip through my skin as I trudge through the stench of dry, rotting trees. The ground feels soggy beneath my bare feet, devouring my every step as it graces me with the sharp sting of pricks and rogue thorns.

I grapple with my breathing, lest they hear me pant. But I fear the beasts can smell the oozing sweat trickling from my pores. For their howls draw near, and their growls grow menacing.

My heart skips a beat at a breaking twig beneath my feet. I stand dead still. Silence grows dense around me. I can feel their eyes bearing through my skin. I sense their drooling jaws gaping hungrily at me, their tongues lapping excitedly over their lips at the throbbing jugular in my throat.

A shadowy figure emerges from the fog, sending icy trickles down my spine. Its cold eyes glow at me in the dark, and its jagged teeth gleam with malice, jolting my heart to a virtual stop. 

More eyes manifest all around me. I’m surrounded.

It’s over.

I drop to my knees and close my eyes, waiting for the worst to happen. And as the blood spews from my throat from the first egregious bite, I finally realize the truth of life’s fate – Nobody escapes Hash’s Horror weekend!