About me

I wasn’t always a horror junkie, you know? Oh, wait… yes I was!


'Hold me, Daddy. I'm scared,' my daughter said, crawling under the sheets. Tears fell across my eyes as memories of her death crept back into my mind.

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Hash Black
The story of

Hash Black

The Horror Author

Hash Black lives a double life; a marine biologist by day and horror author by night. He lives in the fringes of society, battling the nasty impacts of climate change while wreaking havoc with his ghastly works in the horror fiction genre.


Take a peep at his works in the links below!

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Terrifying Novels
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Haunting Short Stories


  • Completed and published my second short story, LOOK AT ME
  • Started writing my second novel, The Rattening
  • Launch of a free online horror stories blog
  • Completed and published my second novel Signed in Blood
  • Started writing my second short story, LOOK AT ME
  • Began writing my first novel, Signed in Blood
  •  The collapse of Empire Fiction and the rise of Hash Black as an independent author brand
  • Completed my first free short story, Dark Waters
  • The inception of my horror fiction writing career
  • The launch of Empire Fiction as a dedicate publishing brand for myself and friends
  • Wrote and published my first horror novella, The Mirror